A CAR was pulled over by a motorway police officer after it was caught going 122mph.

The driver was travelling from High Wycombe towards Beaconsfield on Sunday night (January 7) when it was trying to 'break the land speed record in a Mercedes'.

Police shared the conversation exchanges from motorists who were caught speeding on the M40.

One driver thought the “..the speed limit is 80 right?” whilst another said “..I didn’t think the Police were on the motorway this late”

Thames Valley Police said on social media: "No excuses like being late for a flight, nor driving super fast because they left the oven on at home, simply just trying to get to a friends house.

"This driver will go before a court to explain why they believed driving at 122mph was acceptable (hint: it's not).

"Luckily for the driver, they passed roadside impairment tests for drugs and alcohol.

"Just because you don’t see us, doesn’t mean we aren’t there. Speed kills. Please be careful and stick to the posted speed limits."