Police have warned keyless vehicle theft is rising in Marlow, sparking an urgent need for increased security measures 

Drivers have been urged to keep car keys away from their front door and in a Faraday box or pouch to avoid theft of their motor vehicles.

Residents have also been advised to have CCTV monitoring outside their garages/houses where possible, and theft or tracking devices fitted.

Desirable vehicles must be blocked in to restrict easy access.

Marlow Police Station has a "limited supply of Faraday pouches" available for free.

Faraday pouches block signals from keyless entry systems and can also be purchased online.

Last month, two Land Rovers were stolen through keyless car thefts in Marlow.

The local police force luckily managed to locate the cars and return both back to its rightful owners.

Cars with keyless entry unlock automatically when the key fob comes within a short-range distance of the car.

If you have to press a button on your car's key fob to enter your car and turn the ignition with your key, then your car is not 'keyless' entry.