I'll put the stress on 'OCCASIONALLY' here, people. Being negative all the time is not healthy, and certainly not the way in which I consider well-adjusted people to live their lives. However, it occured to me today, during an instant messaging with a fantastic friend of mine (who I shall refer to as the Van Man until I can think of a more rad name for him, because he is a man with a van), that actually, being negative and having a rant occasionally is rather good for you.

I work for an awesome company, it is a relatively new job for me, I have been there for just under 2 months. I am loving it. I have a sneaking suspicion I am regarded as the woman who has named the photocopier (he is called Matthias), and who is peculiarly protective over the stationery cupboard. This job is as close to perfect as I think I will ever get. However, because this is life, there is no such thing as completely perfect. Occasionally, even I, with my relatively chirpy and sunny attitude, can get cross or frustrated, or just plain angry, with things or people. And at these times, the Van Man and I were discussing, it is awesome to be able to have a Rant. My company's instant messaging facilities means that I am able to find a friend to have a Rant at whenever I need, and usually that role falls to the Van Man. Who, luckily for me, enjoys listening to/reading Rants. So it really is a rather splendid friendship in that, and many other, senses. The Boss Lady has been away on her holidays this week, so the Van Man has been my only outlet of Angst and Woe (My superfluous capitals make the world go round, I feel).

Once I had finished Ranting, I got to thinking about this site, and from there, about life in general. Negativity always inspires more discussion than positivity. Which is understandable really. When someone says 'Lalala, everything is splendid, life loves me, I love life, I am off to find a meadow in which to frolic', there is not much for people to say to that other than 'Oh, that's nice. Please mind the clover.'

However, when someone comes out with nothing but negative comments, there is more room for discussion. No one in their right minds would undermine someone else's happiness, so if they don't agree with a positive comment then most people tend to stay quiet. Someone else is happy, that is awesome. If someone says something negative though, then discussion is a free-for-all. Whether it is consoling them, or disagreeing with their views, debate is acceptable, and often encouraged.

This happens a lot on this site; positive news items and blogs get few comments, whereas more negative items are often the ones most hotly discussed.

Which brings me back to why negativity is occasionally positive; not only does it make the original Ranter feel better, but it also encourages people who wouldn't normally converse to have a discussion, which even occasionally remains civil and intelligent!