Yes, I admit it. The reason for my recent absence has been because I have not been in Wycombe. Myself and six friends went on holiday. Not to Wycombe. Not even in England. I went to Malta. I got back at 7am yesterday, having celebrated my 22nd birthday in a land other than England. It was my first time on a plane, and I adored it. I was so scared beforehand, but it was wonderful. I don't regret reaching 21 before I travelled abroad, because my memories of family holidays, spent in Cornwall and Devon, are wonderful. I also got the joy of being in the Mediterranean for the first time at an age when I can appreciate it. My poor friends were graced with classics such as 'Oh my god, guys, we are FLYING!!' 'Does anyone mind taking a photograph of me by this palm tree?' and, when a bus we were on suffered a case of exploded tyre, 'Oh my goodness, we are being shot at! I knew I should not have come to the colonies!

Quite frankly, I was terrible and English. I have vague, faint tan lines which I am excited about to a ridiculous degree, and an urge to fly again.

I was lucky enough to have a window seat on the way back, a flight which left Malta at 3.40am (2.40 English time), which meant that it was daylight when we reached England. I saw England from the air. Which, although it may not seem a lot to most people, was amazing to me. I flew through clouds, I saw hedgerows from the air. When Mother Eris picked me up from my friend's house, where the taxi from the airport had dropped us, and I got home, I couldn't stop grinning.

I adored Malta. It was warm, it was friendly, it was, quite frankly, amazing.

I got back to Wycombe, and the weather couldn't decide whether to be sunny or raining. It was about 6-7 degrees colder, there were clouds, and the beach was not within a few minutes walking distance.

Whilst Malta, and the time I spent there with my friends was incredible, and I wish I could do it again, there was something wonderfully satisfying about coming home. I have never experienced that to any real degree, and it makes Wycombe so much sweeter, in my opinion.