MUCH as I like and admire Nelson Mandela, I can't go along with all the hoo-ha about his birthday.
His visit to London has been greeted as a Second Coming by some hysterical nitwits, even as the South Africa he led now faces slipping into a dark abyss of AIDS deaths and spiralling crime.
I read recently that Mr Mandela's beloved country is now the murder capital of the world outside a war zone, with over 25,000 killings committed there each year.
There is no doubt that Mr Mandela himself is a brave, gentle and charming man who survived terrible injustice and many years in prison.
But what exactly is his legacy ?
He handed over power to Thabo Mbeki, a president who has stupidly denied that AIDS is a serious problem and has actively supported tyrant Robert Mugabe while he oppresses his people in neighbouring Zimbabwe.
Now, whenever I hear of yet more British streets or avenues being named after Nelson Mandela, I groan.
I think others do, too.
But they're just too polite to admit it.